Here's the header that I'm working on for starters. I'm not great with lighting so I thought I'd challenge myself. CJ says she looks black?

She's supposed to illustrate that my site discusses art, atheism, and science. Can't quite get the adventure in there too. I welcome suggestions!
Labels: art, in_progress
Je comprends the art & science, but I'm not getting any atheism references. How does she look black?Maybe she's race unspecific. So much the better.
# posted by Unknown : October 8, 2008 at 11:04 AM
she kinda does look black, or maybe dark tan... I don't think it quite reads as her being in the dark, it just looks like a dark grey background. You should try taking a picture of yourself in the dark and shining something on you to see where the highlights should be on her face and arms so you have a reference. Then after looking at that tweak the drawing to however you think makes it look best. I get the science... but what part symbolizes 'ze' atheism?
# posted by she : October 16, 2008 at 10:43 AM
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