the art & adventures of tracy durnell


June 13, 2007


Alamere Falls

7 miles out-and-back including a quarter mile "unmaintained" extension, the hike to Alamere Falls is turning into one of my classics.

Alamere Falls is a series of waterfalls that eventually cascade over a 30(?) foot cliff onto the beach and into the ocean.

Sally's friend Erin found the state of the trail unacceptable.

Rather than scramble back up the trail, we turned the hike into a 9ish mile loop by walking along the beach to Wildcat camp and back along another trail.

Sally and Erin took off their shoes so they could run through the surf.

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June 12, 2007


Ugly As Fuck

Along with my elementary and high school attic memories, we have also been purging boxes of kid's books and toys, including three boxes of china animals Robin and I cherished. We sorted them into categories: marginally cute, broken, and ugly as fuck. Obviously those gnomes, glass fruits, and thimbles are precious objects to be saved for the children Robin and I have sworn not to have!


June 11, 2007


The Devil Loves Ice Cream

Last night two pints of ice cream rang up to $6.66. The cashier yelped and cried, "I don't like that number!" quickly subtracting a penny from our order. Sweet, superstition saved us a cent.

Today I drank a coffee at 1:30 and I can still feel the caffeine prickling.

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June 9, 2007


Creation Museum

Check out this photo album of the Creation Museum just built in Kentucky. Apparently if something is logical to humans but countermands "God's word" then humans should create new "logic" that fits into the young-earth creationist theory. Creationists deny macroevolution, yet this picture shows the development of new species (read: evolution) after the genetic bottleneck caused by the great flood. All I can say is that these people are quite creative in their attempts to reconcile reality with religion.

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June 4, 2007


Hikes and whatnot

still unpacking
My room's current unpacking status--if you refer to the earlier picture, there has been vast improvement!

green shirts both

Sally wanted to go to the beach and hiking, so we drove up to the top of the mountain and hiked down to Stinson Beach, then back up--4 miles each way.

foggy forest

fog tam ridge
We drove back Fairfax-Bolinas road, where the fog was cresting over the ridge, to avoid traffic.

family hike
Mom, Dad, Kirby and I went to Roy's Redwoods but hiked through the dry grasslands instead. Kirby folds her ears back to keep out burrs like a good dog.

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