the art & adventures of tracy durnell


May 8, 2007


Really I'm alive

I went to the East Coast for a week to see a bunch of my friends who I was with in New Zealand. I stayed in a house with Jen W, Gem, Leo, & Lauren, plus a couple other people I didn't know before. One night we had a potlatch for EcoQuesters. When all my buddies were at school or studying, I hung out with Erin, their roommate--she played an entertaining video game (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody I believe) a lot. The three objects of the game were to rescue the harvest fairy, maintain a healthy farm, and find a husband. Everyone in the house is probably going to be diabetic later due to their sweet tooths--we had ice cream practically every night, and also made cookies and cake.

Brian's now up in WA with me. We tried to go to Boundary Bay one night for dinner, but after the waitress forgot about us at the bar for an hour, we headed to the Horseshoe.

Friday night I threw a going-away party. Aimee shaved my friend Brendan's head.

On Saturday Brian and Eva and I wandered around downtown Bellingham and scored some free comics because it was free comic book day. Brian and I saw Spiderman 3 at midnight on Thursday night after attending a BBQ (we ate burritos instead) and snagging some pizza and beer (the cashier and person behind us in line at the gas station were both from CA!).

Because we didn't run the dishwasher right away after the party, on Saturday Aimee had to drink her Midori melon/peach vodka concoction out of a yogurt container since there were no cups.

Sunday, I dragged Brian, Hannah, and Aimee an hour up the Mt Baker Highway to this old growth stand.

Director Brian ran through a lot of takes to get this shot.

Photo credit: Brian Fong.

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