the art & adventures of tracy durnell


February 21, 2010


Snow Tracking Two

I went snow tracking for the second time this year (despite the junky / nonexistant snow). (First trip of the year.) This time we saw tons of bobcat tracks rather than the majority of coyote tracks last year.

bobcat tracks stepping over a hole in the snow
Bobcat tracks (female?) east of the pass.

solving the question of what this bobcat was doing in such a hurry
running bobcat tracks in snow
What was this bobcat doing in such a hurry?

bobcat tracks on a snow island in an iced-over lake
This bobcat was light enough to walk across the frozen lake, so we couldn't follow it.

maple leaf draped on branches

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February 8, 2010


Backpack to Goldmyer Hotsprings

As part of a buildup to my hopeful pass to pass backpack this summer, we backpacked 10 miles in to a natural hotsprings in the Alpine Lakes wilderness, Goldmyer Hot Springs (note: I didn't take any pictures of the hot springs since it was full of 'clothing optional' visitors - flickr photos here).

It was way further than I was prepared to do carrying a 30+ pound pack, so I hobbled out the last five miles. Typically the trail is only 4.5 miles each way, but the road was washed out before the official parking lot by 5 miles.

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February 2, 2010


January Jewelry and 2010 Goals

2 necklaces, 2 bracelets, 5 earrings
I've been busy this month, so I've taken a bit of a break from beading and just made these few items. The fossils in the yellow-tan stone form little flower petal shapes. I am also in love with the fire agate in the double strand necklace - I might add another piece of turquoise to the necklace as well.

Every year, graphic designer Nick Felton prepares a booklet detailing the statistics of his past year. I've been inspired by it the past couple years, and have just started using the daily personal stat site he made, which is quite fun. I'm tracking the pages I read by genre, what I eat for dinner, how many pieces of jewelry I make and post on Etsy, my daily method of commute, and free time activities (top entry so far: napping). I know I could set this up in excel, but daytum is easier and generates pretty graphics for me.

Continuing on the projects theme, I've laid out a detailed plan of 2010 goals and quarterly "action items" to achieve them (since I seem to have failed at completing my 2009 goals since my last 'goal check-in'). I tried to follow all that advice about making goals specific and quantifiable (e.g. 'drop a pant size by June' instead of 'lose weight'). A few goals I'm excited about: backpack from Snoqualmie Pass to Stevens Pass in August, compete in an orienteering meet this fall, earn $1000 profit through etsy, and create a seasonal recipe database. So far this year I've mostly tackled other goals (improve naturalist skills, manage my $ for retirement and specific purchases, expand my graphic design portfolio to include 10+ solid pieces), but now it's February it's time to step up the pace.

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