
I got this ammonite from The Bone Room.

I went into this aiming to use my new bead cones and with the thought, "Scarlett with a ray gun in the observatory." Along the way she lost the ray gun.

I've had these carnelian(?) pieces floating around forever.

I took a three-saturday beginning jewelry-making class, learning to solder, shape metal, polish, etc. I was slightly overambitious and didn't quite finish these earrings in two days. Turquoise and onyx set in fine silver bezels on sterling backing. (Ouch, silver's pricey! Huzzah for base metal...)

I thought of using the chevrons double stacked the moment I saw them at the store, and am happy with how these came out. They remind me of pagodas.

<3 these beads!

I felt like it had been a while since I made really long earrings.

Playing with bobby pins.

Bees are so cute!
Labels: jewelry