Yesterday I went to an Audrey Kawasaki exhibit in Santa Monica and was inspired to draw. (Also, I somehow happily stumbled upon a Henri Cartier-Bresson exhibit! That made my night.)

Labels: art
Last week we caught
two mountain lions in the span of three days! That makes it sound like it's not that special, but the biologists here have been trying to catch a lion since last May, and in five plus years of trapping cougars, these were only the 10th and 11th mountain lions they caught.

Also, over President's day weekend, Adia and I went
backpacking in Joshua Tree National Park.
Labels: adventure, photos, science
I am living in the Santa Monica National Recreation Area, on Mulholland Drive, and doing an internship through the park service. For my first two weeks,
I am helping out the bobcat crew, which involves getting up every day at 5 am to go check traps and then spending 8-10 hour days looking for cats etc. Yesterday we actually caught a bobcat! In another week I'll switch to my own work, pitfall trapping for reptiles and amphibians.
Labels: adventure, news, photos